Ophthalmologist in Jacksonville

Ophthalmologist in Jacksonville

Ophthalmologist in Jacksonville

Ophthalmologist in Jacksonville

Adult Strabismus surgery in Jacksonville

Adult strabismus is a condition that originates in childhood. It may be that you were diagnosed with it then or that the effects of it were not noticeable enough to be detected. In either case, what matters most is taking care of it now. At Quality Eye Care Clinic, you can depend on expert medical attention that includes advanced evaluation, special glasses, and surgical correction of adult strabismus.

The most obvious effect is double vision. The root of the problem is that your eye muscles are not working in conjunction with each other as they are supposed to. Ordinarily, your eyes act as one unit, focusing on a single point or object simultaneously. However, with adult strabismus, your eyes are acting independently, sending their own signals to your brain, resulting in vision challenges. One eye tends to be weaker, and its signals aren’t being given the same priority by your brain. Double vision in adulthood is frequently attributable to strabismus. See our ophthalmologist in Jacksonville promptly if you are noticing double vision. As part of a comprehensive eye examination, a determination will be made as to how to best approach the situation in order to achieve the desired results, which is to realign your eyes and get them working as a team. Special prism glasses often do an excellent job, but will not be appropriate in every case. Our ophthalmologist in Jacksonville may suggest surgical correction for your eye muscles if the glasses either do not prove to be effective, or you are not a good candidate for them or other non-invasive methods.

Certainly, anything that hinders your vision or stops you from seeing your best should be addressed in a timely manner. Please set up an appointment with our office so that you can come in and let our ophthalmologist in Jacksonville diagnose what is causing you difficulty.

13241 Bartram Park Blvd,
Jacksonville, FL 32258
(904) 601-1300

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