Please take time to read and learn how to take good care of your eye.
There is a way to manage diabetic retinopathy. You can control your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.
The National Eye Institute recommends regular eye checkups for every individual. These visits can prevent serious eye conditions, such as cataracts.
A diet rich in all kinds of nutrients is no doubt going to be beneficial for your overall health. However, it’s not clear what the relationship between glaucoma and diet is.
Blepharitis is a relatively common eye condition characterized by swollen, itchy, red, and irritated eyelids. It often produces crusty flakes on the eyelashes. Blepharitis is uncomfortable, but it is not contagious and does not cause long-term eye damage. Cleaning the eyelids regularly can help eliminate the crusts, but blepharitis has no cure. There are ways to manage the condition.
Diabetic retinopathy is a diabetes-related complication affecting the eyes due to damage to the retina's blood vessels. In the early stages, the disease may not exhibit symptoms, but over time it can cause vision loss or blindness. The condition can affect anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It usually develops when blood sugar is less controlled or when an individual has had diabetes for a long time.
Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerve. The nerve transmits information between the eye and brain and, when damaged, can cause vision loss. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the country and worldwide. The exact cause is unknown, but increased eye pressure is usually a factor. If not treated, glaucoma can cause blindness.
Uveitis is a swelling of the eye that affects the middle layer tissue known as the uvea. Symptoms of the inflammation usually come on suddenly and worsen rapidly. The condition can affect people of all ages, and the inflammation can be in one or both eyes.
Cataracts are a relatively common condition that can affect one or both eyes. Symptoms of the condition include cloudy or blurry vision, glare, halos around lights, and poor night vision. The following are facts about cataracts.